Cleansing Cucumber Juice

Cucumbers are high in vitamin A, B, C, magnesium, potassium and silicon which boost immunity, give you energy and keep you radiant. Cucumber is very high in water and all that water in cucumber acts as a broom, cleansing waste products out of your system.
Ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative, a substance that promotes the elimination of excessive gas from the digestive system and soothes the intestinal tract it’s also a natural anti-inflammatory.
Celery can reduce cholesterol and bod pressure. It also is high in a flavonoid called Luteolin, which is known for preventing dementia, helping with sleep and reducing stress.
Limes are high in vitamin C which is an antioxidant.
Green apples can help keep the digestive tract clean and healthy.
1 whole cucumber
2 inches of peeled ginger
A whole stick of celery
2 limes
4 green apples
Put all the ingredient into a juicer, serve with ice and enjoy.
To see this recipe in action watch the video below