Peach Iced Tea

I love this drink, it super-duper easy and super-duper tasty.
Peaches: Peaches also offer a rich treasure of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, and copper. Peaches are low in calories, contain no saturated fat or cholesterol, and are a good source of dietary fibre.
Green Tea: Green tea has a lot of benefits, it’s full of antioxidants, can help to lower blood pressure and it can keep blood sugar stable in people with diabetes. I’m using decaf green tea as well most people don’t realise that tea has caffeine in it but it does, so I’m using decaf.
2 Green Tea Bags
500g of peaches (canned or fresh it’s your choice)
1 ½ litre of water
Ice to serve
Boil water and pour in a jug and add the tea bags, leave the tea on the side until completely cool (30 mins)
While the tea is cooling place the peaches in a blender with ½ cup of water blend until smooth
Take the teabags out of the jug, pour the peach mix in the jug using a sieve and stir well
Add ice and mint to a glass, serve the ice tea and enjoy